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Psoriasis is a clinical condition that causes skin irritation and redness due to shedding of the skin. This disease can affect anyone but is common in individuals belonging to the age group of 15 – 35 years. Although the exact cause of psoriasis is still not known, it is non-contagious disease and can be caused due to several factors. The three most common cases of psoriasis are as follows.

Psoriasis is known to have a heredity predilection, but the extent of genetic predisposition is not clearly understood. It is believed that one in three individuals suffering from psoriasis have a close relative with this condition. Although, almost 10% of the common population inherits one or more genes that predispose the individuals to develop the disease, only 3% of them actually develop psoriasis.

Psoriasis of the skin or nails may look like a rash or fungus, but you can't catch psoriasis from another person. You also can't give it to anyone else or spread it from one part of your body to another by touch.

Although psoriasis usually appears as a skin condition, recent discoveries show that its real cause is a problem with the immune system.

Your body naturally fights infections and heals injuries with special cells - called white blood cells - that battle viruses or bacteria. Normally, these cells go to the site of infection or injury to help repair wounds and prevent infection. One by-product of this normal process is inflammation (redness and swelling).



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